Demps gets in her "cougar mentality" for this one. Lots of fun clips hanging with country crooner Roman Alexander from Missouri. Check out the highlights!

Demps tries to sell Roman some random girl's bathwater and we are not sure how we got here...Roman's a good sport though
Demps accuses Roman of being a Bra Sniffer, we're in camp Roman here...he's too wholesome for that!
Demps talks about leaving the club in Vegas at the Bellagio and had to run barefoot down the strip to escape some shady guys
We call this one "Cougar Mentality" give it a play
Dead Leg Bananas. We don't know what to say about that.
Roman is not into Fruit by The Foot
But is he into Feet? Like some guys?
What does Roman think of Demp's Grandma? We didn't think we'd care. We do.
This...took a turn! hahah